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News Wednesday, Aug 31 2016

After this insane immigration speech, can we finally stop pretending Trump will change?

Aug 31, 2016

Statement from Jessica Mackler, president of American Bridge 21st Century:

“Are we done pretending Donald Trump will ever change? Fifteen months after calling Mexicans rapists, Trump wailed about the same exact mass deportation and immigration policies that he’s been yelling about this whole time. He’s appealing to people’s worst fears and nativism. Trump’s policy are far from humane and are practically and fiscally irresponsible.

“Just hours after meeting the Mexican president and proving that he’s nothing more than a scared bully who choked on the international stage, Trump reminded Americans why he is dangerous and unfit to be Commander in Chief. Republicans who still support Donald Trump after tonight ran out of excuses — they’re actively endorsing Trump and his hatred that would make the United States less safe.”

Declaración de Jessica Mackler, presidente de American Bridge 21st Century:

“Ya podemos dejar de pretender que Donald Trump cambiará? Quince meses después de llamar a los mexicanos violadores, Trump ha seguido con el mismo discurso sobre políticas de inmigración y de deportación masiva que ha promovido todo este tiempo. Está aprovechando de los peores miedos y nativismo de la gente. Sus políticas son cualquier cosa menos que humano y son irresponsables a nivel fiscal y práctico.

“Solo horas después de reunirse con el presidente de México y demostrar que no es nada más que un abusón que se tranca en el escenario internacional, Trump les recordó a los americanos por qué es tan peligroso e incapaz de ser Comandante en Jefe. Republicanos que todavía apoyan a Donald Trump esta noche ya no tienen excusas–están endorsando a Trump y su odio que pondrá en peligro a los Estados Unidos.”

Trump’s mass deportation policy outlined tonight:
“Within ICE, I am going to create a new deportation task force.” Video here.

“Anyone who has entered the United States is subject to deportation.” Video here.

“Criminal aliens. We will begin moving them out day one — as soon as I take office office — day one.” Video here.

Published: Aug 31, 2016

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