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News Wednesday, Nov 16 2016

Possible Trump Secretary Of State Giuliani Took Millions From Foreign And Domestic Entities

Nov 16, 2016

Donald Trump claims to hire the best people. But in practice he surrounds himself with racists, con artists, misogynists, anti-Semites, mob associates, and white nationalist sympathizers.

Potential Trump Secretary of State pick Rudy Giuliani is as shady as is Trump and just about anyone else Trump’s worked with or hopes to bring on as a member of his cabinet.

“Even before [Giuliani] left” the mayor’s office, he was reportedly “telling reporters about Giuliani Partners.” And as soon as Giuliani launched the firm, he quickly opened up shop in a building that he just so happened to help out with “a $20 million incentive package when he was mayor.”

Shady? Yes, but Rudy was just getting started. Over the years, Giuliani and his firms (he also launched Giuliani Capital Advisers) — many of which have ties to foreign governments, exposing deep conflicts of interest as Giuliani tries to position himself as the next Secretary of State.

Trump has himself taken nearly $6 million from the Saudi government since 2001, and he “has debts of at least $650 million” — including to the Bank of China — so he’s no stranger to conflicts of interest.

Yes, Trump has unprecedented conflicts of interest both in his debts to foreign governments and his own personal business interests. But that doesn’t make Rudy Giuliani’s equally unprecedented and dangerous conflicts any less disqualifying.

Read More:
New York Times: Rudolph Giuliani’s Business Ties Viewed as Red Flag for Secretary of State Job

CNN: Giuliani legal work could complicate path to State Department

CNN: Giuliani sketches foreign policy vision; business ties could complicate bid

Huffington Post: Rudy Giuliani’s Conflicts Of Interest Would Place Donald Trump In A Bind

Published: Nov 16, 2016

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