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News Monday, Feb 13 2017

Reality Check: Bannon is Heavily Involved with Drafting Executive Orders and Influencing Trump

Feb 13, 2017

Yesterday on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller falsely claimed that Steve Bannon has “no role whatsoever in drafting executive orders.”

But Miller’s claim could not be further from the truth – in fact Bannon is intimately involved in the drafting of executive orders as evidenced here, here and here.

And also in the photos below because we all know how much Trump likes “lots of graphics and maps,” we thought this would make it easier.


Donald Trump signs an executive order with Steve Bannon watching in the Oval Office.

bannon2Bannon and Michael Flynn listens has Trump speaks to the Australian Prime Minister.

bannon3 Trump in the Oval Office with Mike Pence, Bannon and other advisers.

Published: Feb 13, 2017

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