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News Thursday, Feb 15 2018

Toxic Kevin Cramer Finally Says Yes to Mitch McConnell

Feb 15, 2018

Kevin Cramer’s habit of making toxic remarks led Republicans to abandon him last year, but desperate Republicans who have been turned down over and over again in North Dakota are now accepting that he is their only choice to run for U.S. Senate. Cramer will announce his Senate bid tomorrow, the AP reports.

Less than a year ago Republicans were running from Cramer and his tendency for toxic, “Todd Akin-like” remarks. Cramer has made derogatory comments about his female colleagues’ appearance, said that female members of Congress have a “disease,” and bizarrely volunteered to release his internet browsing history to a random caller on a radio show. He even defended Sean Spicer’s whitewashing of the Holocaust.

“Mitch McConnell and Washington Republicans have been turned down over and over again by high-quality recruits in North Dakota, so out of desperation they are tying their fortunes to Kevin Cramer,” said American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp. “Republicans themselves admit that Cramer’s toxic,  ‘Akin-like tendencies’ and lackluster fundraising are a recipe for electoral disaster.  But he is literally the only North Dakota candidate willing to say yes to Mitch McConnell and run this year.”

Published: Feb 15, 2018

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