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Thursday, Apr 28 2016

11 Months Later, Trump STILL Won't Reveal His "Very Beautiful" Plan To Defeat ISIS

Apr 28, 2016

We had plenty of contradictions and an abundance of hazy assurances during Donald Trump’s mess of a foreign policy speech yesterday. One thing notably missing: Trump’s secret plan to defeat ISIS.

Remember this?

In a June meeting with the Des Moines Register Editorial Board, Trump claimed to have “an absolute way of defeating ISIS,” in vague terms describing the master plan as “decisive and quick, and very very — it’d be very, very beautiful.”

At the time, he declined to elaborate further for fear that other candidates might steal the plan. But now that Trump considers himself the presumptive nominee, there’s no danger of anyone else stealing it. So let’s hear it, Donald.

Listen to Trump tease his “very beautiful” master plan here:

Or here

Or here

Published: Apr 28, 2016

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