It’s official – Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, second-in-command to scandal ridden Chris Christie, is the Republican nominee for governor in New Jersey. Christie once said that Lt. Gov. Guadagno has “been really involved in everything we do,” so it’s no surprise that he supported her in the primary. Unfortunately for Guadagno (not to mention Garden Staters), their record is a complete disaster.
Under the Christie/Guadagno administration:
New Jersey’s credit rating was downgraded 11 times.
The state was ranked nearly last in the country for job creation.
Billions slashed from public workers’ pension plans.
“Try as she might, Kim Guadagno can’t separate herself from the failed Christie administration,” said Lizzy Price, spokesperson for American Bridge. “Christie and Guadagno have made an economic mess in New Jersey, resulting in the highest disapproval rating in the country. The people of New Jersey simply can’t afford Christie’s number 2 as their governor.”
See below for new American Bridge video.
Published: Jun 7, 2017