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Wednesday, Oct 25 2023

2019 vs 2023: Republicans Are On Defense on the Issue of Abortion. In Kentucky.

Oct 25, 2023

2019: “The unpopular [GOP] incumbent’s harsh attacks on Democratic challenger Attorney General Andy Beshear’s backing of abortion rights, rare for a Southern gubernatorial candidate, has Democrats worried about their chances slipping away in a race that has grown unexpectedly close. ‘I’ve lost sleep over this,’ said one Democratic operative…”

2023: “It was once unthinkable for a Democrat running statewide in a red state like Kentucky to win on abortion. Now, in the final stretch of a campaign to defend the governor’s mansion, Democrats are betting hard that they can ride it to victory.”

In 2019, former Governor Matt Bevin was struggling to guarantee a re-election victory — so he pivoted to abortion and began hammering his Democratic opponent’s support of abortion rights. Bevin would go on to lose by just over 5,000 votes.

Fast forward to 2023:

NBCIn deep red Kentucky, Democrats bet abortion will be a winning issue in the governor’s race

PoliticoDemocrats are running on abortion everywhere — even in Kentucky

NPRKentucky’s near-total abortion ban takes center stage in gubernatorial election

The MessengerKentucky Gov. Race Becomes Test Case for Republicans on Abortion

The APIn Kentucky governor’s race, Democrat presses the case on GOP challenger’s abortion stance

The Herald LeaderDemocrats continue attacking Cameron’s abortion stances in new ad featuring rape survivor

JezebelKentucky GOP Candidate Responds to Rape Survivor Who Called Him Out. It Didn’t Go Well.

Rolling StoneKentucky AG Daniel Cameron Under Fire Over Birth Control

The Courier JournalCameron flip-flops on rape and incest exceptions to Kentucky abortion ban

The APRepublican offers new twist on abortion exceptions as issue stays at forefront of Kentucky campaign

Published: Oct 25, 2023 | Last Modified: Nov 1, 2023

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