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News Wednesday, Jun 21 2017

5 Months In, Trump's Sold Out Iowa's Workers and Economy

Jun 21, 2017

Donald Trump is headed to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, for a campaign rally in a state that has already felt the pain of Trump’s presidency. Trump — who won’t stop issuing waivers to allow former lobbyists to join his administration — is sure to lead some raucous “Drain the Swamp” chants. But there’s one thing Trump won’t do in Cedar Rapids: talk about the 120,772 American workers who’ve been told they’re going to be laid off since his January 20th inauguration. That includes 1,248 Iowans who’ve been given pink slips and told they’ll be losing their jobs. Meanwhile, Trump refuses to do anything about it and has yet to offer a real economic agenda.

Instead, the self-heralded “greatest jobs president that God ever created” — a lifelong outsourcer and importer of foreign labor — is proposing cuts to crucial job-training programs and eroding workers’ rights while continuing to hire foreign workers at his family’s companies. Meanwhile, the reckless health care plan known as Trumpcare will cost the country nearly a million jobs, including almost 10,000 in Iowa alone.

To highlight Trumpcare’s devastating impact on Iowans, American Bridge is today running a series of digital ads laying out the high stakes for Iowans should Trump and congressional Republicans successfully ram through their secret bill to strip health care access from millions of Americans.

“Donald Trump is a liar who conned the American people. It’s past time everyone admitted the truth: Trump isn’t working,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. “He isn’t creating or protecting jobs for working families, he’s looking out for billionaires and lobbyists instead, and the rest of the country is paying the price.”
Announced Layoffs Nationally: 120,772

Announced Layoffs in Iowa: 1,248

Rockwell Collins 20
Raining Rose 49
Americold Logistics 43
Maquoketa Web Printing 42
General Dynamics Information Tech 220
Rose Publishing 1
Owner Revolution Inc. 207
K-Mart 145
Polaris 275
SSP America, Ic. 57
Premier Linen & Drycleaning 86
Caterpillar Inc. 59
Alorica 44

Published: Jun 21, 2017

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