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LGBTQ+ Friday, Nov 4 2011

ABC News: Santorum Launches Policy Tour, Pushes Social Issues

Nov 04, 2011

On November 4, 2011, ABC News reported:

URBANDALE, IOWA  Rick Santorum launched a three-speech, three-state policy roll-out tour Friday beginning with “moral, cultural” issues. The economy and national security will follow, but this was chosen as the first topic because it is the most important to Santorum, according to campaign aides.


Democrats responded quickly. American Bridge, a Democratic SuperPac, issued a statement while Santorum was still speaking. “Rick Santorum, and the other candidates running for the nomination, are dusting off the old playbook of using socially divisive issues to reignite the culture wars of the past in a desperate attempt to appease their base. Proposing ideas like disbanding the 9th circuit court will create exactly zero jobs and shows that they are more interested in playing politics than getting our economy back on track,” communications director Ty Matsdorf said in the statement.

Read the full article here

Published: Nov 4, 2011

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