His campaign’s on death-watch and struggling to keep up appearances. Even in his hometown of Miami, Marco Rubio was this evening unable to turn out much of a crowd, despite the fact that attending his campaign “rally” presented an opportunity to get on TV with a live-audience interview to be aired later tonight on Fox News.
Sure, Team Marco succeeded in filling out at least part of the football stadium’s end zone, but let’s just say the optics weren’t great:
Luckily, absentee Senator Marco Rubio had his fellow Absentee Manatees to help him fill-out the crowd:
This one’s on us, Senator Rubio. But please start showing up for work when this is all over. You’ve been skipping out on your senatorial duties for five years. With nine months left until you’re out of the Senate, the least you can do is start pretending you care about representing the interests of the Florida voters that elected you.
Published: Mar 10, 2016