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Friday, Jun 8 2018

American Bridge: Adam Putnam Should Resign Over Background Checks Scandal

Jun 08, 2018

This afternoon, the Tampa Bay Times reported that “proud NRA sellout” Adam Putnam’s office neglected to perform background checks for concealed carry permits for over a year. According to the Times, this allowed thousands of applications to be approved without a background check being conducted, all because Putnam’s Administration couldn’t figure out how to log in to the FBI background checks database.

“Adam Putnam should resign immediately,” said American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson. “Not being able to log into the FBI background checks system should have resulted in Adam Putnam’s office calling an IT professional, not approving concealed carry permits to potential criminals. Dangerous criminals and people with severe mental illnesses may have been allowed to carry deadly weapons due to Adam Putnam’s negligence. If Adam Putnam refuses to do even the most basic functions of his current job like performing background checks on concealed carry permits, he should resign from it, not ask voters for a promotion.”

Published: Jun 8, 2018

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