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Tuesday, Dec 12 2017

American Bridge: GOP Should Be Terrified After Jones Victory, Senate Must Seat Jones Immediately

Dec 12, 2017

Following Senator-elect Doug Jones’ victory in the Alabama Senate race tonightAmerican Bridge released the following statement from Chairman David Brock:

“Republicans should be terrified tonight. While they’re divided and engaged in civil war, Democrats are energized and are turning out in record numbers. Doug Jones’ victory in a place where Democrats haven’t won statewide for 25 years is the clearest sign yet of a tidal wave coming in 2018

“Now that the people of Alabama have spoken, Doug Jones must be seated as a Senator immediately. Voters made their voices heard loud and clear, so there’s no excuse for Luther Strange to continue serving.  Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump may be desperate to pass their tax scam, but they cannot ignore the will of the voters.”

Earlier today Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced his intentions to not seat Jones until January.

Published: Dec 12, 2017

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