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News Press Releases Donald Trump Sunday, Jul 21 2024

American Bridge Statement on 2024 Race: The GOP Should Be Scared

Jul 21, 2024

Following the news that President Joe Biden will step down from the 2024 presidential race, Bradley Beychok, co-founder of American Bridge 21st Century — one of the largest Democratic super PACs in the country and the party’s central hub for research, tracking and communications — released the following statement:

“Today we double down on our effort to defeat Donald Trump. This election will be decided on abortion, democracy and freedom. That’s been the singular focus of our effort, and nothing today changes that.

“In 2020, American Bridge did just that and in November, we’ll do it again. Trump and his MAGA-fied GOP are scared of the strength and the energy clearly present in the Democratic Party today — and they should be.

“Our supporters have never been more passionate to win and tomorrow we revert back to the single goal of Donald Trump never serving as commander in chief again.

“Republicans should be terrified of American Bridge’s strategic, creative, and tested $200 million effort to beat a craven, old, incoherent, anti-abortion, anti-freedom, and anti-democracy convicted felon — a program we’re only going to ramp up with this news. They should be scared of our testimonial ads reaching women voters in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. They should be spooked, horror movie-style, by our powerhouse opposition research, which has already made JD Vance look like an extremist with bad eyeliner. The Republican Party is going to give themselves ulcers trying to catch up to us.

“We were proud to support President Joe Biden and help lead him to victory last cycle. He made a patriotic choice today, a choice that the cowardly Donald “Dictator on Day One” Trump would never make. America will send Trump packing and elect a Democratic president in November. Book it.”

In January, American Bridge 21st Century announced they were planning to spend $200 million — including $140 million in paid spending on television, digital and streaming ads, radio, and direct mail in the key battleground states of Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania — over the course of the 2024 cycle.

Uniquely in the paid media landscape, through its robust in-state organizing program, American Bridge has directly recruited hundreds of people living in these critical swing states who have stories to tell about the danger of another Trump presidency, providing them the platform to share those stories widely.

Whether it’s Trump’s extreme anti-abortion policies, his treasonous and anti-democratic embrace of authoritarianism like voters saw on January 6th, or his plans to obliterate Social Security and Medicare as Americans know it, this program showcases the true stories of people — people like LoriAnna and Rich — in these states and how another Trump administration would cost them, their families, and their communities.

Published: Jul 21, 2024 | Last Modified: Jul 24, 2024

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