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Monday, Feb 26 2018

American Bridge Statement Regarding Claudia Tenney Fund Raising off Disgusting Comments About Mass Shootings

Feb 26, 2018

American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after Congresswoman Claudia Tenney sent out a campaign fundraising email based on her thoroughly debunked and appalling claim that “many of these people that commit the mass murders end up being Democrats.”

“It’s disgusting that Congresswoman Tenney is trying to raise cash for her campaign by highlighting a lie which politicized a national tragedy.  Instead of dodging questions from journalists and fundraising off her egregiously irresponsible and offensive tirade, Tenney should try apologizing for it.  Her constituents deserve better than an unaccountable liar who sees something as horrific as a mass shooting as something to exploit.”

Published: Feb 26, 2018

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