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Monday, Dec 3 2018

American Bridge Statement on Senator Soundbite John Kennedy Not Running for Governor

Dec 03, 2018

American Bridge spokesperson Zach Hudson released the following statement on Senator John Kennedy’s announcement that he will not be running for Louisiana Governor:

“Considering he failed to pass a long term extension of the National Flood Insurance Program last week, we’re glad John Kennedy realizes he doesn’t have the accomplishments or work ethic to actually serve as Louisiana’s Governor. Kennedy’s flirtation with running for Governor should be viewed for what it was: a year-long publicity stunt to distract from the fact that he is either uninterested or unable to actually do his job. Senator Soundbite once again made clear with this announcement that he is more interested in garnering cheap headlines than actually working to help the people of Louisiana. Kennedy’s record in the Senate speaks for itself: over a hundred media interviews, zero accomplishments.”

Published: Dec 3, 2018

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