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Friday, Oct 28 2011

AP: Going Off-The-Cuff, Romney Does Himself Few Favors

Oct 28, 2011

On October 28, 2011, the Associated Press reported:

“Mitt Romney may need a censor. For himself.

In the last few weeks in Nevada, the man who owns several homes told the state hit tough by the housing crisis: “Don’t try and stop the foreclosure process. Let it run its course and hit the bottom.”

At one point in Iowa, earlier this year, the former venture capitalist uttered, “Corporations are people,” with the country in the midst of a debate over Wall Street vs. Main Street. At an event in economically suffering Florida, the retiree — who is a multimillionaire many times over — told out-of-work voters, “I’m also unemployed.”

Over the past year, the Republican presidential candidate has amassed a collection of off-the-cuff comments that expose his vulnerabilities and, taken together, cast him as out-of-touch with Americans who face staggering unemployment, widespread foreclosures and a dire outlook on the economy…”

Published: Oct 28, 2011

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