With John Kasich’s entry into the GOP nominating contest, we may finally have the over-sized field set. Kasich joins the swarm of other candidates with out-of-touch ideas trying to reach beyond their 1% averages for the nomination. Kasich brings his own Lehman Brothers experience to the race five years to the day after Wall Street reform was signed in another reminder that he would eviscerate consumer protections and put even more power in his former colleagues at big banks.
Even though establishment types have written off the Ohio governor as too moderate, it’s impossible to distinguish him from a party where 70% of its members agree with Donald Trump on immigration. Kasich opposes marriage equality, raising the minimum wage, choice with no exceptions for rape and incest, and would demolish Social Security. Complicating matters for Kasich, he will have to defend to conservatives his record of expanding Medicaid to help low-income people gain health insurance.
To top off Kasich’s less-than-sterling reputation as he enters the race, he’s facing on-the-record criticism that he’s too cranky and hot-headed to get things done.

Read American Bridge’s full media guide on John Kasich here.
Published: Jul 21, 2015