“Sometimes Republicans say things that are so stupid that it’s difficult to put an appropriate response into words. This is one of those instances,” said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah.

Watch a video of her calling for a wall between California and Arizona here.
Los Angeles Times: Arizona candidate jokingly (?) calls for a border wall with California
By Noah Bierman | March 20, 2018
- “President Trump hosted a round-table at the White House Tuesday in which conservative politicians and law enforcement officials from around the country and the federal government took turns one-upping each other with disgust over California’s sanctuary city law.”
- “But one elected leader bested them all. Rep. Martha McSally, an Arizona Republican, said Trump’s famous promise to build a wall with along the Mexican border should be extended — to protect her state from the liberals to the west.”
- ‘”As we look in Arizona, we often look into the dangers of the southern border,’ McSally said. ‘But if these dangerous policies continue out of California, we might need to build a wall between California and Arizona as well.'”
- “On Tuesday, Trump gave McSally a nod of approval.”
- “Good job,” Trump said. “You’ve done really well too, by the way. That’s the word.”
Read the full story here. |