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Monday, Oct 10 2011

AP: Sheriff kicks Democrat out of Rehberg public event

Oct 10, 2011

On October 10, 2011 The Associated Press reported:

Democrats said Monday the Garfield County sheriff wrongly ousted from his café a cameraman the party pays to track Republican U.S. Rep. Denny Rehberg.

The episode took place at a Rehberg listening session in Jordan that was advertised as open to the public.

Rehberg is challenging Democratic U.S. Sen. Jon Tester in a heated race where both sides watch each other closely. Both Tester and Rehberg are accustomed to the opposition filming their public events.

Still, Sheriff Frank Edwards said the Democrat should have asked permission to set up a camera at the café. Edwards said no one told him whether the congressman’s event was to be public.

Click here to read more.

Published: Oct 10, 2011

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