New Arizona Ad: Martha McSally Hawking Books Instead of Doing Her Job
American Bridge is launching new ads in Arizona today featuring highlights from unelected Senator Martha McSally’s self-promotional book tour over…

American Bridge Releases Report Detailing Trump’s Failed Coronavirus Response
The report contrasts the erratic U.S. response to other developed nations Today, 2,200,000 Americans have contracted the virus, and 120,000…

New Campaign Highlights Dan Forest’s Divisive Record
American Bridge’s new “Divisive Dan Forest” campaign launched Tuesday and features an English & Spanish digital ad and website. On…

Martha McSally Should Put Money Where Her Mouth Is and Return $40,000 in Contributions From Senators Accused of Insider Trading
Tonight, The Hill reported that Senator Martha McSally and top Trump adviser Larry Kudlow slammed Georgia Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue…

Corrupt Wall Street Megadonors Have Direct Line To Trump While Americans Struggle
Just hours ago, Donald Trump shocked health experts and the nation by claiming that he wants the country “opened up”…

FACT CHECK: Trump Lies to Hide Failing COVID-19 Response
As Donald Trump addresses the nation through a virtual town hall, the American people should think twice before believing a…

Washington Post: A brutal new ad uses Trump’s own words against him
By Greg Sargent on 3/20/20 at 3:28 PMIt’s often argued that we must avoid “politicizing” crises like the current coronavirus catastrophe. But…

New Digital Campaign Slams Trump For Failing Coronavirus Response
American Bridge Launches New Digital Ads in MI, PA, WI American Bridge is launching an aggressive new digital campaign slamming…

New Ad Launches Against Kelly Loeffler For Likely Criminal Profiting Off Coronavirus Pandemic
American Bridge is launching a new ad in Georgia today following last night’s report that unelected Senator Kelly Loeffler dumped a massive…

American Bridge Calls on Kelly Loeffler to Resign For Violating Public Trust
Shortly after a devastating report on Senator Richard Burr dumping stock at a profit days before the stock market plummeted, Daily Beast broke the…