NEW AD: Matt Rosendale Is Damaged Goods Following Deeply Divisive Montana Senate Primary
Russell Fagg: Rosendale “running for five offices in eight years just looks like he came to Montana to start his political career” Today, immediately…
NEW VIDEO: All Talk Dean Heller is Missing in Action
Heller today: “We shouldn’t go home until the job is done” Today American Bridge launched a new digital video that highlights…
Senate Brief: Montana Republicans Pick From Self-Destructing Candidates Tomorrow
Week of Monday, June 4, 2018 IN BRIEF: Montana Republicans head to the polls tomorrow to choose between three abysmal candidates who have…
New Evidence: Hawley Got Greitens Sunshine Investigation Totally Wrong
When Josh Hawley announced the results of his investigation into Gov. Greitens, he said confidently that eight members of the governor's…
Since Rick Scott’s Having Trouble, We Made Him a List of the Trump Administration’s Failures in Puerto Rico
Yesterday, Rick Scott failed to come up with even one way he’d have done things differently than the Trump Administration…
Tampa Bay Times: Rick Scott’s Outsider Image as Senate Candidate Cashes with Florida Reality
A damning new report in today's Tampa Bay Times rips off Gov. Rick Scott's phony "outsider" mask and details Scott's…
Rick Scott Can't Name A Single Way He'd Help Puerto Rico Recover
"I don’t know what I would do differently." - Scott In Puerto Rico today, Gov. Rick Scott couldn't name a…
QUICK CLIP: Fake Ranchin’ Rosendale Waxes Poetic About Sugar Beets to FOX News
“After months of overuse on the campaign trail, Matt Rosendale’s ranching anecdotes are sounding a little tired,” said American Bridge spokesperson…
Kevin Cramer Lashes Out At Trump Administration
"Bumbling Kevin Cramer has a new strategy in his flailing Senate campaign: attack the Trump administration for failing to support…
BREAKING: Adam Laxalt to Campaign With Rapist Sheriff
The Nevada Independent reported this morning that Washington, D.C. native Adam Laxalt will campaign this weekend with alleged rapist and admitted sexual…