American Bridge Statement Regarding Claudia Tenney Fund Raising off Disgusting Comments About Mass Shootings
American Bridge spokesperson Andrew Bates released the following statement after Congresswoman Claudia Tenney sent out a campaign fundraising email based on her thoroughly…
Rick Scott's Weak Gun Proposal is a Political Ploy that Doesn't Do Nearly Enough
American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp offered the following statement on Gov. Rick Scott's gun proposal: "The tragic school shooting in…
"Rattled" Republican establishment scrambles to help career politician Rick Saccone as he struggles to connect with Western Pennsylvania voters
Two national reports today underline that the Republican establishment in Washington is desperate to "prop-up" career politician Rick Saccone, who's…
HellerOnTheRun: Hiding Dean Heller Hasn’t Held a Town Hall in 10 Months
Today, American Bridge 21st Century re-launched to hold Dean Heller accountable for running away from his constituents. With the U.S. Senate in…
Indiana Senate Candidate Todd Rokita Has Spent $3 Million In Taxpayer-Paid Self-Promotion
A new report reveals that career politician Todd Rokita has a long history of using taxpayer money for political gain,…
BREAKING: Dean Heller Runs An Unlicensed Business Worth Millions of Dollars
Today, the Reno Gazette-Journal published an explosive story about Sen. Dean Heller running an unlicensed farm in direct violation of Nevada law,…
#TBT: Seven Years of Florida Editorials Slam Rick Scott's Gun Violence Record
The tragic school shooting yesterday in Parkland was the third mass shooting in Florida in two years. But for his entire tenure as…
Toxic Kevin Cramer Finally Says Yes to Mitch McConnell
Kevin Cramer's habit of making toxic remarks led Republicans to abandon him last year, but desperate Republicans who have been…
QUICK CLIP: Seriously? Rick Scott Claims He Has Heard No Ideas to Prevent School Shootings
"Floridians have been asking Rick Scott for common sense gun violence prevention measures for years and yet he claims he…
TIMELINE: Rick Scott’s Irresponsible Gun Violence Record
It’s time to call a spade a spade: Governor Rick Scott’s seven-year record in Florida has made Floridians less safe…