Dean Heller has ANOTHER Horrible Health Care Week
Dean Heller has had another horrible week. After a summer of flip flops and broken promises on health care, his latest attempt at repealing…
ICYMI: Kim Guadagno's 8-Year Partner In Crime Throws Her Under The Bus
For 8 years, Kim Guadagno and Chris Christie have been partners in crime -- working closely together to earn the most credit…
QUICK CLIPS: Morning Joe: Flake Admits New Disastrous Health Care Bill He Supports Will Hurt Arizonans…. And He Hasn't Even Completely Read the Bill
Today in a Morning Joe interview about the new, disastrous Graham-Cassidy-Heller health care bill, Senator Jeff Flake, who supports the…
American Bridge Releases New Ad Highlighting Heller's Broken Promise to Get Gov. Sandoval's Support for Health Care Bills
American Bridge today released a new Facebook ad highlighting Dean Heller's latest broken promise to only back health care legislation…
American Bridge Responds to Bruce Rauner's Statement On Cassidy-Graham
Bruce Rauner is digging himself a deeper hole with his latest non-response to Republicans' disastrous healthcare plan. After twice failing…
Pearce Flunks Trumpcare Leadership Test
On Wednesday, Steve Pearce's silence on the latest version of Trumpcare became all the more deafening when a new report…
Kim Reynolds Endorses Plan To Kick 172,000 Iowans Off Their Health Insurance
A new analysis out Wednesday shows Kim Reynolds is supporting a bill that would cost 172,000 of her constituents their healthcare. On Tuesday,…
Scott Walker Endorses Plan To Kick 414,000 Wisconsinites Off Their Health Insurance
A new analysis out Wednesday shows Scott Walker is supporting a bill that would cost 414,000 of his constituents their healthcare. On Tuesday,…
Rauner Flunks Trumpcare Leadership Test, Even As Other Republicans Speak Out
Bruce Rauner is failing to speak out against a disastrous Republican plan to kick 965,000 Illinoisans off of their health…
FLASHBACK: Earlier this Year, Graham, Cassidy, Heller Said CBO Scores Vital to Vetting Health Care Bills
This week, Senate Republicans once against exposed their partisan hypocrisy by recklessly dismissing the need for a full CBO score…