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Posts by AB

Tuesday, Aug 8 2017

Heller’s Desperate Pandering Draws Primary Opponent

This morning, Danny Tarkanian announced that he will challenge Sen. Dean Heller in the Republican Senate primary in Nevada, making a…

Monday, Aug 7 2017

Trump’s Sabotage of the Affordable Care Act Costs the People of Nevada

Donald Trump is overtly sabotaging insurance markets as he pushes Trumpcare on the country, and it’s now costing Nevada. Today, as a…

Monday, Aug 7 2017

QUICK CLIP: KTVK: Jeff Flake "All Talk, No Action" on Trump

KTVK in Arizona called out Senator Jeff Flake today, after he criticized President Trump in his new book, for being "all talk,…

Monday, Aug 7 2017

REMINDER: WEDC Has a Terrible Record of Mishandling Taxpayer Dollars

Following last week’s seven-hour long public hearing on Wisconsin’s deal with Foxconn which is being managed by Scott Walker’s scandal-ridden…

Friday, Aug 4 2017

American Bridge Launches Website Targeting 15 Vulnerable House Members

"GOP Pickpockets" Will Highlight GOP's Healthcare and Economic Policies that Hurt Middle Class Families While Republicans in Congress are out…

Thursday, Aug 3 2017

American Bridge Launches Ads Against Trump and his Biggest Cheerleader, Sununu

American Bridge launched ads today following Trump’s heinous comments, calling the state of New Hampshire a “drug-infested den.” As it…

News Wednesday, Aug 2 2017

Rauner Bullies, Illinois Schools To Open Without State Funding

Yesterday, Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner vetoed a school funding bill that would not only fund schools for the upcoming school…

News Wednesday, Aug 2 2017

ICYMI: Tillerson spurns $80 million to counter ISIS, Russian propaganda

"It's not hard to imagine why Secretary of State Rex Tillerson would turn down $80 million dollars already allocated by…

News Tuesday, Aug 1 2017

NEW REPORT: Heller's "Radical" Plan to End Medicaid Expansion and Kick Millions off their Insurance

A new report by Vox explains that Heller's health care plan is "the most radical one yet." Graham-Cassidy-Heller would decimate insurance markets, kick millions…

News Monday, Jul 31 2017

Heller at the White House, Plotting to Dismantle Medicaid Expansion

Dean Heller can't stop fighting to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, despite promising Nevadans he'd fight for their health care.…

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