Ed Gillespie, Trump’s Swamp Creature, Saddles Up To Lobbyist Pals
Ed Gillespie continues to duck on the Senate’s disastrous TrumpCare bill, which would kick over ahalf a million Virginians off their…
Heller's Still Fighting to "Get To a Yes" On Trumpcare
Dean Heller's word is worthless. After telling Nevada business leaders he wanted to "get to a yes" on Trumpcare, he held a…
Collusion? I Don’t Care, "I Love It" Week Gets Dragged Across the Coals by Editorial Boards
All across the country, local editorial boards are taking Donald Trump to task - on everything from his disastrous climate…
The Evolution of Collusion
Donald Trump, his campaign, and his administration have repeatedly claimed for more than a year that there was no collusion…
Taxpayer Dollars Are Going, Going, GONE on Trump's Vacations
Rather than sticking around in Europe for longer than 27 hours so he can begin to rebuild U.S. relationships with…
Corey Stewart: Still Out of Touch with Virginia — and Reality
Today, Corey Stewart announced his candidacy for U.S. Senate by pledging multiple times to run a “vicious, ruthless” campaign and…
Unbelievable. Senate Republicans Exempt Themselves from Trumpcare Disaster
"We didn't think McConnell could sink any lower but once again he's proved us wrong," said American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah. "This…
Lisa Murkowski – don't sell-out your constituents' healthcare by taking Mitch McConnell's bribe
"If Lisa Murkowski accepts this swampy Washington bribe, she will be blatantly selling out the people she represents, plain and simple," said…
BREAKING: Dean Heller may vote to let Trumpcare proceed
"Dean Heller's word isn't worth a bucket of warm spit. After telling Nevadans he would not support the Senate's health…
Jeff Flake's healthcare plan is cruel, plain and simple
"Jeff Flake wants to throw hundreds of thousands of Arizonans under the bus to score partisan political points. Flake's healthcare…