Ed Gillespie Complicit on Dangerous TrumpCare Bill
The Congressional Budget Office finally released the non-partisan scoring of the newest TrumpCare plan. Not only will this bill rip…
Shame on You, Governor Walker
The Congressional Budget Office finally released the non-partisan scoring of the newest TrumpCare plan. Not only will this bill rip…
Following Devastating CBO Trumpcare score, American Bridge Urges Public To Share Stories With Local Reporters
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler responded to the Congressional Budget Office's scoring of the Senate Trumpcare bill, which was written…
VIDEO: Senate Republicans Made Promises on Health Care… …They Were Lying
As the first news reports rolled in about the Senate Republican health care bill, one thing became clear: Senate Republicans…
Dean Heller Has Already Sold Out Nevadans' Health Care, Over and Over Again
Following Dean Heller's statement on the Senate GOP's health care bill, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following…
Dean Heller’s Hellish Healthcare Week
It’s been a hellish week for Dean Heller. After years of Heller’s empty promises to Nevadans about improving their healthcare,…
Rauner Hammered By Local Press For Silence On Mean-Spirited Health Bill
As Rauner continues to shirk his responsibility to Illinois by staying silent on the health care bill that could ravage…
Trump Confirms Comey's Testimony About Obstruction of Justice
During a Fox and Friends interview this morning, President Donald Trump bragged that his "strategy" of claiming that he surreptitiously recorded a meeting…
American Bridge Calls BS On Senate GOP's Empty Health Care Rhetoric
In response to the Senate GOP's fake disagreements over their health care bill today, American Bridge spokesperson Joshua Karp made…
New Layoffs at Boeing Plant Trump Visited; Carrier to Layoff Hundreds Next Month
Hundreds of American workers are going to be laid off from a Boeing plant where President Trump promised that, as long…