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Posts by AB

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Senate Republicans want to go back on their promises to protect pre-existing conditions

"Senate Republicans claim that, in secret, they're making Trumpcare less dangerous - but that's lipstick on a pig. Here's the…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Mnuchin just opened the door to violating ANOTHER core Trump campaign promise: cutting Social Security 

"Donald Trump lied when he pledged he would not cut Social Security, Medicare, or Medicaid.  Not only does Trumpcare cut…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Surprise! 28 Months Later, There's Still No Secret Trump ISIS Plan

This morning, Trump promised -- for the umpteenth time -- a "news conference in two weeks" on the fight against ISIS, which he…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

In the Trump Russia investigation all roads lead back to Jeff Sessions

Jeff Sessions sits squarely at the intersection of Donald Trump’s campaign, his administration, his contact with Russia, and his potential…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Senate Republicans are hiding their Trumpcare bill from the American people

The House Trumpcare bill would cost 23 million people their insurance, gut coverage for pre-existing conditions, and slash Medicaid by…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Spicer Questions: Welcome To Workforce Development Week, Same As Infrastructure Week

American Bridge Rapid Response Director Emily Aden calls on White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer to answer the following questions: …

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

Getting to "Yes": Heller Admits He Supports Ending Medicaid Expansion

Heller Flips on His Promise and His Only Condition to Supporting Trumpcare Dean Heller promised that he would not "pull the rug…

News Monday, Jun 12 2017

American Bridge Statement on Pulse Shooting and Gov. Rick Scott

On the first anniversary of the Pulse shooting, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement about Gov. Rick…

News Friday, Jun 9 2017

BREAKING: Trump Defends Obstruction Of Justice Allegations With More Lies

Right after claiming former FBI Director James Comey lied under oath when saying Trump asked him for a loyalty pledge…

News Friday, Jun 9 2017

Donald Trump Faces Brutal Front Pages

Donald Trump faced brutal front pages across the country this morning following former FBI Director James Comey's bombshell testimony yesterday.…

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