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Posts by AB

News Tuesday, Apr 4 2017

Trump and Ryan are still after your healthcare

Reports this morning  indicate that after Trumpcare's failure in the House and Speaker Ryan's concession that the Affordable Care Act is…

News Tuesday, Apr 4 2017

On 5th Anniversary, Tom Price Is A Reminder of What the STOCK Act Seeks to Prevent

American Bridge Vice President Shripal Shah released the following statement on the fifth anniversary of President Obama signing the Stop…

News Monday, Apr 3 2017

American Bridge Statement on Jeff Flake's Vote for Neil Gorsuch

Following Jeff Flake's vote to advance Neil Gorsuch's confirmation to the Supreme Court, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the…

News Monday, Apr 3 2017

The Curious Case of Rex Tillerson

In response to reports that Jared Kushner traveled to Iraq this weekend, American Bridge spokesperson Sabrina Singh released the following…

News Monday, Apr 3 2017

Spicer Questions: Drain The Swamp Edition

One thing is clear from the White House staff financial disclosures: President Trump is surrounded by multi-millionaires beholden to Wall…

News Monday, Apr 3 2017

Statement On Neil Gorsuch's Far-Right Judicial Activism

American Bridge president Jessica Mackler released the following statement on the Senate Judiciary Committee's vote on Neil Gorsuch to be a Supreme…

News Monday, Apr 3 2017

Trump's Profiteering Scheme Just Got Real

"Donald Trump just made our worst nightmares real. Trump is now saying he will secretly take profits from his business,…

News Friday, Mar 31 2017

Here's who works in the Trump White House

Trump's White House seems to be making their financial disclosure release as convoluted and shady as possible, so here's our list of White House staff we've culled from articles and other reports.

News Friday, Mar 31 2017

Our popcorn is ready, bigly

In their own words, here is what Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Sean Spicer, Jason Miller and the RNC previously had…

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