ICYMI: Tillerson: ‘I’m not a big media press access person’
"Rex Tillerson isn't a big media person like Michael Flynn wasn't a big disclose your financial ties to Russia person. …
Heller Shamelessly Panders After Voting Over 20 Times to Repeal ACA
In response to Sen. Dean Heller's shameless election-time pander, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement: "Senator Heller…
Gorsuch Needs To Reveal More For Thorough Judiciary Hearing
Neil Gorsuch is going to face tough questioning at his Senate Judiciary Committee hearing next week because there's still a…
Trumpcare would devastate American families while cutting taxes for… Donald Trump
At the very same time that Trumpcare would strip 24 million people of their health coverage and disproportionately hit low-income, rural,…
Degrees of Russian separation: Trump adviser Roger Stone’s hacker ties
We know that Russia played a role in the 2016 election. We also know that our president, Donald Trump,…
What Voters Are Reading About Trump's Disastrous Budget
Following the Trump administration’s disastrous rollout of its budget proposal yesterday, voters are waking up to sobering headlines about how…
Tillerson Denies U.S. Networks Access to Tour of DMZ
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson denied U.S. networks access to cover his tour of the DMZ, instead only allowing Fox…
Donald Trump's budget puts those in need last
Today in his budget proposal Donald Trump told the country that he intends to end federal funding for Meals on…
Trump's Budget Sells Out The American People
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Trump's budget: "Donald Trump is a con artist and his…
BREAKING: Flynn Worked for Russian Companies While Maintaining His Top Secret Security Clearance
American Bridge spokesperson Sabrina Singh released the following statement in response to new reports showing Michael Flynn was paid $50,000 by Russian…