What's Trump Ever Done For Michigan Working People?
Here's a question, with Trump in Michigan today: What's Donald Trump ever done for Michigan's working families? So far, nothing…
Tillerson Ditching the Press on First Trip to Asia
On heels of the revelation that Rex Tillerson used a pseudonym to send emails about climate change while CEO at…
Spicer: "Sure" Millions Will Lose Coverage With TrumpCare
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer admitted today that millions of American will lose their health insurance as a result…
Rex Tillerson/Wayne Tracker's Email Problem
Yesterday the New York attorney general revealed that Rex Tillerson aka Wayne Tracker used this pseudonym to send emails about…
Front Pages in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin Highlight the Devastating Effects Trumpcare Would Have
This morning, American Bridge released new polling pinpointing that the repeal of Obamacare is one of the most unpopular aspects of Donald…
Spicer Questions: 24 Million People Edition
The White House made a valiant effort to undermine the credibility of the CBO before it released the Trumpcare score,…
American Bridge Polling Of Obama/Trump Voters On The Trump Agenda
American Bridge is today releasing new polling conducted by Anzalone Liszt Grove Research that focuses on voters who approved of…
CBO Score Confirmed: No Woman Is Safe Under TrumpCare
Following the release of CBO’s report, American Bridge spokesperson Lizzy Price made the following statement: “No woman is safe under…
There Would Be 24 Million TrumpCare Victims
"There will be millions of victims if Republicans are able to force TrumpCare on the country, starting with the 24…
Shot/Chaser: Jeff Flake Says Ending Medicaid Expansion is Good For Arizona
SHOT: Jeff Flake says "finally dealing with Medicaid as one of the three entitlement programs that are simply unsustainable" is one of…