Dean Heller Votes For Foreclosure King Mnuchin — And Against Nevada Families
In response to Sen. Dean Heller's vote to confirm Steve Mnuchin as Treasury Secretary, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made…
Flynn Resignation Raises Further Questions For Trump, Americans Deserve Answers Now
The latest White House scandal won't end with Michael Flynn's resignation. In reality, new reports suggest the White House and…
#SpinelessGOP Dodges Town Halls — or Shows Up and Lies
Over the last couple days, desperate Republicans continued to dodge their constituents rather than face tough questions about stripping health…
American Bridge on Steve Mnuchin’s Senate Confirmation Vote
Following Steve Mnuchin’s Senate Confirmation vote, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement: “Steve Mnuchin is a Merchant…
Reality Check: Bannon is Heavily Involved with Drafting Executive Orders and Influencing Trump
Yesterday on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Donald Trump’s Senior Policy Adviser Stephen Miller falsely claimed that Steve Bannon…
What Happened to Donald Trump’s Promise to “Drain the Swamp”? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What Happened to Donald Trump’s Promise to “Drain the Swamp”? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Donald Trump has filled his administration with predatory Wall…
Trump Administration Officials: Either Flynn or Pence Lied about Russian Conversations
Last night, news broke that during the Trump transition National Security Advisor Michael Flynn reassured the Russian ambassador after the Obama administration…
American Bridge Statement on Tom Price’s Senate Confirmation Vote
Following Tom Price's Senate Confirmation vote, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following statement: "Tom Price is a case study in…
Scared of Town Halls, Dean Heller Hides Behind His Telephone
Dean Heller is running scared -- he hasn't held a town hall in Nevada this year, and hasn't held a…
Spicer Questions: (Easy) D is for "Disheartening and Demoralizing" Edition
The embarrassing leaks are pouring out of the White House like a sieve, the President is whining about bipartisan criticism,…