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Posts by AB

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

Donald Trump’s Plan To Fund A Paid Family Leave Program Is Totally Absurd

“Given Donald Trump's long history of maligning working moms, women will never trust Trump to help them with maternity leave…

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

WATCH: Trump and Pence, Women Know Better

Donald Trump and Mike Pence have spent their entire careers marginalizing and insulting women. Pandering with vague policy proposals can't…

News Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

LIBRE's Support Of Trump-Loving Joe Heck Bad For Hispanics, Nevada

The executive director for the Koch brothers' front group for Hispanic outreach, the LIBRE Initiative, reiterated the group's support for Joe…

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

David Duke and Mike Pence's Mutual Admiration Society

Today, after Mike Pence made headlines this week for refusing to call David Duke "deplorable" when asked by CNN's Wolf Blitzer, David Duke returned the…

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

NCAA Pulls Championships From NC, "Thanks, Governor Pat"

North Carolina continues to pay the price for Governor Pat McCrory's discriminatory HB2 law. The state saw millions of new…

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

Trump's History Of Trashing Working Moms

Donald Trump's taken heat during his presidential run for launching openly sexist attacks against journalists (e.g., calling Megyn Kelly a…

Tuesday, Sep 13 2016

Mike Pence doesn't think KKK Grand Wizard is "deplorable?"

Mike Pence on CNN just refused to call the former grand wizard of the KKK, David Duke, "deplorable." Donald Trump…

Monday, Sep 12 2016

What Hasn't Trump Apologized For?

For someone so insistent on demanding apologies, Donald Trump, at least by our count, hasn't apologized for anything. Here are…

Monday, Sep 12 2016

Are We Surprised Racist Donald Trump Is Being Called Racist?

Donald Trump has built his reputation, and his campaign, on being overtly racist. Even this morning, Trump called Sen. Elizabeth Warren…

News Friday, Sep 9 2016

If Pence Can Do It, Why Can't Trump?

GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence just released his tax returns. But Donald Trump still won't. Let that sink in…

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