American Bridge Statement On Trump's Incitement Of Violence Against Clinton
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler made the following statement on Donald Trump's incitement of violence against Hillary Clinton: "Threatening a…
WATCH: Donald Trump Says Maybe 2nd Amendment People Can Do Something About Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump just said maybe 2nd amendment people can do something about Hillary Clinton. WATCH:
Take It From Trump, He Isn't Changing
In a Fox Business interview this morning, Donald Trump "suggested that it is his temperament that 'has gotten me here'…
Rubio To Mark Orlando Shooting's Two-Month Anniversary At Anti-LGBT Hate Rally
Senator Marco Rubio claimed that the horrific shooting at Orlando's Pulse nightclub is what inspired him to go back on his word…
Roy Blunt Too Busy Vacationing To Respond To Global Health Crisis
Senator Roy Blunt is at home in Missouri for recess, and he's not letting anything get in the way of…
Trump's Dangerous Stock Market Babble
A day after unveiling an economic plan with all the trademarks of a GOP give-away to the super-rich, Trump went…
Trump Winning The Hearts And Minds… Of The Russian People
Donald Trump's praise for Vladimir Putin and pivot to a shockingly pro-Russia foreign policy doctrine has made him quite the…
Trump's Trade Fever Dream Threatens Americans
Among Donald Trump’s many dangerous fantasies is his claim that a “trade war” would be good for working Americans. The truth is Trump’s…
Trump's Real Record On Equal Pay and Working Families
At the RNC convention in Cleveland last month, Ivanka Trump claimed that Donald Trump would be fantastic for women and working families. Following in…
Trump Opposes The Federal Minimum Wage
Forget raising the federal minimum wage, if Donald Trump gets his way, there won't be a federal minimum wage at all. When Trump was asked…