Marco Rubio Thinks Trump's "Wholly" Unfit To Be President — But Will Vote For Him & Likes His Policies
Marco Rubio knows who the real Donald Trump is -- but he's supporting him and speaking on his behalf tonight…
Scott Walker's Own Secret Email Scandal
That awkward moment when you ask a governor whose political career includes a secret email scandal to go on the…
Scott Walker's WEDC: A Guide To Making America Outsource Again
When Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was running for office, he promised to create 250,000 new jobs for the state outside…
Day Three: Make America Reactionary Again
Donald Trump's insurgent campaign has often been compared to that of Barry Goldwater's far-right run in 1964. The speakers featured…
NEW VIDEO FROM AMERICAN BRIDGE AND NARAL: Trump To Hand-Off Domestic Agenda To Most Extreme Anti-Choice VP In History
As Mike Pence prepares to take the stage tonight, Donald Trump reportedly promised his vice president would be the "most powerful…
Senator Burr's Broken Term Limit Promise
Senator Richard Burr just announced that 2016 will be his last election (losing your seat usually ensures that), but Burr…
Trump's "Favorite Vet" Calls For The Presumptive Democratic Nominee's Execution
On Tuesday, Donald Trump adviser Al Baldasaro, suggested that Hillary Clinton deserves to "be put in the firing line and shot for…
Bridgegate Governor A Wounded, Scandal-Ridden Attack Dog
"Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee." In a pathetic attempt to distract from his scandal-ridden administration, Chris Christie…
Make America Work Again? Trump Vineyard Imports Foreign Labor
Donald Trump has Trump Winery GM Kerry Woolard on stage tonight as part of his "Make America Work Again" programming.…
WATCH: Chaos And Extremism Take Over RNC Day 1
From claims that only white people "contribute to civilization," that being transgender is "the height of absurdity," doubling down on calling…