Trump's Mob Ties
Donald Trump loves to talk up his business record, but he for some reason neglects to mention that his history of real estate…
Trump's Gaddafi Gambit
In 2009, Donald Trump decided it was a good idea to rent land at his New York estate to Libyan…
Trump's Business Related Conflicts Of Interest And Shady Saudi Companies
Running a presidential campaign hasn't stopped Donald Trump's eagerness to profit at the expense of others -- and that means…
Did Trump Partner Up With The Son Of An Iranian General's "Silent Partner"?
In Baku, Azerbaijan, Trump tried to partner up with Anar Mammadov, whose father is an Azerbaijani government minister "suspected by…
Report: Marco Rubio's Chronic Absenteeism
It was only a few months ago that Marco Rubio was arguing that "we're not going to fix America with senators…
Trump Organization "Routinely Erased Emails"
In a 2006 lawsuit, Donald Trump was accused of deleting key email evidence and "destroy[ing] old computers," which the defendants…
Trump's Liddle Man In Florida
With reports confirming that Marco Rubio will run to retain his Florida Senate seat, Donald Trump must be ecstatic. Rubio quickly supported Trump despite…
Trump Pivots From Suggesting Obama's A Muslim To Questioning Clinton's Faith
The Trump "pivot" that was foretold. A week after insinuating that President Obama is a Muslim -- or at least sympathetic to Islamist terrorists -- Donald…
MEMO: Trump's Criminal Associations And Transnational Conflicts Of Interest
It's no secret that Donald Trump's senior advisor and campaign chair, Paul Manafort, has ties to "dictators, guerilla groups, and…
Former McCain Adviser Predicts Economic Havoc If Trump Wins
Trump's presidency would lead to 3.5 million jobs lost and increase unemployment to 7% according to a new report. The…