Never Gonna Give You Up, Never Gonna Let You Down. Paul Ryan Won't Desert Trump
Asked today if there was any scenario in which he would rescind his endorsement of Donald Trump, Paul Ryan affirmed what we…
MEMO: GOP Turns To Damaged Rubio To Salvage Florida Senate Hopes
It appears that the Orlando terror attack gave Marco Rubio just the callous opening he needed to continue moving forward…
WATCH: 12 Minutes Of Trump Insinuating The President Is A Terrorist Sympathizer
Two days ago, Birther-in-Chief Donald Trump implied President Obama was complicit in this past weekend's massacre in Orlando. Angry that the…
Off The Prompter, Off His Rocker: Trump Goes Old School Unhinged In Georgia
Donald Trump was off the prompter and way off-message today in Atlanta, Georgia. For an hour and ten minutes, Trump…
Vulnerable GOP Senators Wake Up To Trump Nightmare
As Donald Trump continues his racist, xenophobic and shocking tirades on the campaign trail, Senate Republicans are starting to wake…
News & Observer: "Burr defends Trump"
Clearly, Senator Richard Burr is hoping the rumors are true and he's a top candidate for the second spot on the Trump…
Portman Puts Partisanship Over Keeping Guns Out of the Hands of Suspected Terrorists
Senator Rob Portman is politically posturing on the terror watch list gun ban -- and it's going very, very poorly.…
Forecasting Donald's Predictable NRA Meeting
Donald Trump announced this morning that he plans to meet with the National Rifle Association to voice support for a…
American Bridge Statement On Donald Trump's Attack On The President's Loyalty
American Bridge President Jessica Mackler issued the following statement on Donald Trump's suggestion that President Obama puts the interests of…
Trump Deleted Emails Sought As Evidence In Lawsuit
Donald Trump, notorious litigant and presumptive Republican presidential nominee, routinely deleted business-related email correspondences. This practice became problematic in 2006…