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Posts by AB

News Tuesday, Apr 5 2016

Anti-Establishment GOP Cruzes On To Convention Chaos

After an abysmal week on the trail for Donald Trump, Ted Cruz met long-held expectations with his victory in Wisconsin tonight. The win…

Tuesday, Apr 5 2016

Anti-Choice Group Backs Anti-Choice Extremist Cruz Over Equally Anti-Choice Trump

Ted Cruz supports overturning Roe v. Wade and banning all abortions, even in cases of rape or incest, so it's no…

News Monday, Apr 4 2016

Koch Brothers Spend Big On Vulnerable Rob Portman

Fighting to keep their personal puppet Rob Portman in the U.S. Senate, Koch-cash is going on air to try to…

News Monday, Apr 4 2016

Kochs Launch Ad Campaign Propping Up Vulnerable Ron Johnson

Further cementing their relationship, the Koch brothers are launching new air cover for Wisconsin's Ron Johnson. Johnson has long been a reliable…

Monday, Apr 4 2016

VIDEO: Chris Sununu's K Street Lobbyist Cash Grab

Chris Sununu went to Washington today to pick up that sweet DC lobbyist cash at mega-lobbying group BGR. ​Sununu was hosted…

Monday, Apr 4 2016

Three Months Away, The RNC's Already Off The Rails

"It's happening," said conservative radio host Hugh Hewitt on Sunday of a contested Republican convention. RNC Chair Reince Priebus is…

Friday, Apr 1 2016

Surprise! Marco Rubio Still Doesn't Want To Do His Job

Once Marco Rubio slowly self-destructed on the presidential campaign trail, his constituents must have assumed their junior senator would return…

Thursday, Mar 31 2016

GOP "Silent" As Trump Admits The Party's Extreme Anti-Women's Health Agenda

Donald Trump explicitly verbalized decades of Republican anti-choice dog whistles yesterday when he abhorrently endorsed not just overturning Roe v.…

Wednesday, Mar 30 2016

Let's Count The Ways Donald Trump Made News Tonight

Donald Trump is rightly being criticized for suggesting women should be "punished" for seeking abortion, but he took a lot of…

Wednesday, Mar 30 2016

Pat McCrory: Running And Hiding From HB2

Desperate to change the subject away from his signature of HB2 into law, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory hoped a…

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