Donald Trump's Nativist Fearmongering
Donald Trump's new plan to limit legal immigration is front and center at tonight’s CNN debate. Trump has made hardline…
Holding Out For A Trump Nominee, Ron Johnson Admits Partisan Obstructionism On SCOTUS Vacancy
Senator Ron Johnson, who's said he'll support Donald Trump as his party's nominee, this morning confirmed that Republican obstructionism on refusing to…
Absentee Manatees Help Fill-Out Sparse Rubio Crowd In Miami
His campaign's on death-watch and struggling to keep up appearances. Even in his hometown of Miami, Marco Rubio was this…
Conservative Commentators To Rubio: Drop Out
#Marcomentum has folded into disappointment and acceptance of his failure to gain traction among GOP voters. Rubio finished fourth in…
New Day, Same Result: Party Of Trump Wins Out Over Establishment Republicans
The results are coming in, and voters have sent another clear message to the Republican establishment – what used to…
Down-Ballot Republicans Can't Get Away From Trump
Down-ballot Republicans can't distance themselves from Donald Trump, and his racist and xenophobic policies and rhetoric -- especially if he…
With Legal Immigration Cuts, Trump Somehow Finds Room To Run Further To The Right
In search of a right-wing immigration policy that will allow him to call far-right Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio "weak"…
Marco Rubio Saying Second-Term Presidents Can't Nominate Supreme Court Justices?
Credit where credit is due: Marco Rubio might have found the most preposterous excuse for the Senate trying to prevent President…
So, When's the #NeverTed Campaign Kick Off?
Somehow, we don't think a big night for Ted Cruz is what the #EventuallyTrump Republicans had in mind. How to…
American Bridge Statement on Tonight's Primary Results
American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Mackler released the following statement in response to tonight’s Republican primary and caucus results: "Another day of primary and caucus elections,…