Rubio Again: I'm Going To Vote For The Nominee
Listen to Marco Rubio talk circles around #NeverTrump, only to finally repeat his answer from last night: yes, he'll support…
GOP Kills The Rebrand
The 2012 GOP autopsy report called for an effort to move away from Mitt Romney's "self deportation" rhetoric and make…
On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Toomey's Record Of Bad Labor Votes
On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…
On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Ayotte’s Record Of Bad Labor Votes
On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…
On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Heck's Record Of Bad Labor Votes
On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…
On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Kirk's Record Of Bad Labor Votes
On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…
On Dept. Of Labor 103rd Anniversary, Portman's Terrible Labor Record
On the 103rd anniversary of the establishment of the Department of Labor, American Bridge President Jessica Mackler released the following…
New Merch
From: Ben Ray <[email protected]> Date: Fri, Mar 4, 2016 at 11:20 AM Subject: New Merch To: [email protected] Hey Team Marco, Sounds…
American Bridge Statement On Tonight's GOP Debate
American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Mackler released the following statement in response to tonight’s Republican debate: “Tonight’s GOP debate was a two…
GOP Candidates On Trump: If You Can’t Beat Him, Join Him
As the Republican Party careens full speed towards a Donald Trump nomination, tonight should serve as a reminder that every single candidate…