Party Of Trump Delay, Delay, Delays Filling SCOTUS Vacancy
Hugh Hewitt asked Donald Trump about a litmus test for his Supreme Court nominees and he immediately turned to hit…
Months Later, Rubio & Cruz Still Chasing Trump Rightward On Immigration
Donald Trump at tonight's CNN debate made sure everyone knows that the far-right swing for every Republican running for president,…
McCain Has "Basically Done Nothing" To Help Tuscon VA Crisis
SHOT: KGUN 9: McCain cites the KGUN 9 investigation in a letter sent to Department of Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert McDonald urging…
Has Marco Rubio Accomplished Anything? Another Surrogate Says "No"
We know Marco Rubio's missed 68% of all committee hearings since joining the Senate and over 87% of votes so far in 2016. But…
Strict Obstructionist Rob Portman Won't Even Meet With SCOTUS Nominee
All aboard the strict obstructionism train. Senator Rob Portman is joining his Party of No, saying he will not even meet with President…
NH Senator: Ay-m N-otte Going to Do My Job
Senator Kelly Ayotte has cast her lot with the Republican Party's strict Supreme Court vacancy obstructionists, then taken things a…
Firewall Flame-Out: Silver State Marcomentum™ Collapses
While Marco Rubio was unable to name a single state where he could win as recently as Sunday, it's no secret that…
Party of Trump Hands The Donald Another Victory In Nevada
With a strong second place finish in Iowa followed by crushing first place victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina, and now Nevada,…
WATCH: Ted Cruz Throws The GOP Rebrand Out The Door #PartyOfTrump
Hindsight is not 20/20 for the 2016 Republican Party. With Ted Cruz calling for the forced deportation of millions of…
Rubio Skips A Full Day Of Committee Hearings
Marco Rubio is ditching Nevada -- what his campaign deemed his "firewall" -- for more campaigning in Minnesota and Michigan…