As Trump Leads Polls, Republicans Continue To Follow Trump's Xenophobic, Anti-Muslim Rhetoric
Following The Donald’s big win in New Hampshire this week, the GOP field has unsurprisingly continued to adopt Trumpian foreign…
Republicans Turn SCOTUS Vacancy Into Political Football
Republicans have immediately taken the vacancy on the Supreme Court and turned it into a political football. Ted Cruz, Marco…
MEMO: What To Watch For: South Carolina Debate Edition
MEMO TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jessica Mackler, President, American Bridge 21st Century RE: What To Watch For: South Carolina Debate Edition…
WATCH: GOP Establishment's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, VERY BAD NIGHT
Marco Rubio's terrible showing in New Hampshire wasn't just a defeat for artificial intelligence -- it was a disaster for…
Rubio Failing The Commander-in-Chief Test
As much as we don't doubt that the 3-5-1 plan will be a smashing success, it's important to remember what's…
Senator Kelly Ayotte’s Non-Endorsement Endorsement Of Donald Trump
Senator Kelly Ayotte has refused to endorse a candidate in the contest for the Republican nomination -- at least officially.…
#Marcomentum Gives Way To Blown Expectations In NH
After a horrible debate and subsequent three days during which Marco Rubio revealed himself to be a robotic politician with nothing to offer but…
Trump Wins, But The GOP Loses
Donald Trump just proved he's the real deal -- and that's bad news for the Republican establishment. The GOP's big…
??For Mardi Gras, AB21 Presents the Krewe of Fat Cats? ?
Mardi Gras, or "Fat Tuesday", is a time of excess, revelry, and celebration. These GOP Senators are backing special interests…
VIDEO: Happy Primary Day, Marco Roboto!
The Marco Roboto failed the Turing test just in time for New Hampshire. After getting caught repeating himself on Saturday…