Senator Kelly Ayotte Won’t Stand Up for New Hampshire’s Working Women
On the seventh anniversary of the signing of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, working women are still fighting to…
You (Still) Can't Count On The GOP To Do Anything About Equal Pay
On this 7th anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which helped to close the pay gap between women…
WATCH: Iowa Debate Review: GOP Needs Trump
We knew it would happen but we didn't think it would be just this boring: Donald Trump overwhelmed a sleepy…
American Bridge Statement On Tonight's GOP Debate
American Bridge 21st Century President Jessica Mackler released the following statement on tonight’s Republican debate: “Tonight’s sleepy debate made one thing abundantly clear –…
Trump-O-Nomics 101: GOP Tax Plans Favor The Top 1%, Leave Working People & Middle Class Families Behind
Donald Trump refused to join tonight's Republican debate, but that didn't stop his extreme, right-wing tax plans from taking center…
GOP Offers Same Tired And Failed Ideas On Earned Benefits
Among Iowa caucus goers, nine out of ten believe that presidential contenders need to have a comprehensive plan for the…
Trump, Or No Trump — Not One Candidate Supports A Pathway To Citizenship
Donald Trump has been leading the GOP's anti-immigrant rhetoric ever since he announced his campaign by calling Mexicans "rapists" and…
GOP Still Hell-Bent On Defunding Planned Parenthood
The Republican field is hell-bent on defunding the number one women's health care provider in the country, Planned Parenthood. …
GOP Presidential Field: Heavy On Fear-Mongering, Light On Foreign Policy
As Donald Trump continues to lead in polls -- and every single Republican candidate remains pledged to support him as…
Trump Isn't In The Room — But These Guys Are Still Feeding Off His Anti-Muslim Policies
Congratulations to Senate candidate Rand Paul for somehow getting on stage for tonight's GOP presidential debate. Sadly, neither he, nor anyone else,…