GOP: The Party Of Trump & The Conservative Fringe, With Not A Profile In Courage To Be Found
Donald Trump's divisive, xenophobic rhetoric tonight has prompted a display of how the leaders of the GOP are unwilling to…
Donald Trump's Republican Party
"Donald Trump is fearmongering: It's un-American for the presidential frontrunner of the Republican Party to call for a complete shutdown…
Rubio And Cruz Vote Against $17.5 Billion For Substance Abuse
Last night, Senators Rubio and Cruz had the chance to put $17.5 billion toward helping people with substance abuse. Instead,…
Senatorial Hobbyist Marco Rubio Skips SC Field Hearing For NH Event
Be it so moved that we shall henceforth refer to Marco Rubio's "jobs" both in the Senate and on the campaign trail as "hobbies"…
Republicans Refuse To Take Common-Sense Steps Against Gun Violence
Last night, Senate Republicans again refused to take action in response to the horrific and numerous mass shootings across the United States. Senate…
Sen. Burr Continues Attacks On Women's Health Care, Medicaid Expansion
Senator Richard Burr is set to repeal Medicaid expansion and defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage from millions of Americans and denying…
Sen. Johnson Continues Attacks On Women's Health Care, Medicaid Expansion
Senator Ron Johnson and Senate Republicans are set to repeal Medicaid expansion and defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage from millions…
Sen. Toomey Would Take Away Health Care From 2.6 Million Pennsylvanians
Senator Pat Toomey and Senate Republicans are set to repeal Medicaid expansion and defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage from 2.6 million…
Sen. Portman Would Take Away Health Care From Nearly 3 Million Ohioans
Senator Rob Portman and Senate Republicans are set to repeal Medicaid expansion as well as defund Planned Parenthood, taking away healthcare coverage…
GOP Senators: Trump Hair, Don't Care
"Trump Hair, Don't Care." That's the motto of the GOP Senate field despite the NRSC's warnings to distance themselves from Donald Trump.…