WATCH: Tracking Carly's Record
Carly Fiorina said it herself: "Track records are important." But with nothing but an abysmal business record and failed senate campaign to run…
The Pope Vs. The GOP
From climate change to immigration, nearly every GOP policy position goes against the pope's teachings and it seems like Republicans…
McCrory Tax Increase Is Another Broken Promise
Breaking another 2012 campaign promise, Governor Pat McCrory has announced his support for a budget that increases taxes on middle class North Carolinians. In…
WATCH: GOP Debate In 90 Seconds
Want to rewatch Wednesday's Republican debate, but intimidated by three hours on your DVR? American Bridge is releasing a 90-second…
Just Another Far Right Republican: How To Campaign Against Carly Fiorina
Last night's GOP debate confirmed what we already knew: Jeb Bush and Scott Walker are on the way out, and…
Second Debate Proves The 2016 GOP Candidate Will Repeat 2012 Mistakes
As the dust settles after last night's painfully long debate, it's clear that there were at least two out-of-touch issues that every candidate…
KO'd: Jessica Mackler & American Bridge On Tonight's GOP Debate
Phew, it's finally over. Five hours of childish bickering and political grandstanding just wrapped up at the Reagan Library in…
Walker's Ties To New Wisconsin Common Core Test Complicates Things
Scott Walker wants voters to believe that nothing's changed as Wisconsin adopts a new Common Core test and he took $10,000 from the CEO…
GOP Punch-Out, Vol. II
TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jessica Mackler, President, American Bridge…
Rubio, Cruz, Paul, & Graham Abandoned Domestic Violence Victims
This week represents the 21st anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act, and few presidential candidates have a closer seat…