Bankruptcies, Bubbles & Busts: The Economic Legacy Of Jeb Bush
It didn't take long for folks to realize Jeb Bush's economic record is a complete mirage, fueled by a housing…
Christie Jumps On Jeb's "Work Longer Hours" Wagon
Look no further than Chris Christie in a Davenport, IA, town hall this afternoon for proof that Republicans really do…
Recap Of Ron Johnson's Calamitous Thursday
Lego aficionado and clown-show headliner Ron Johnson made all kinds of news yesterday -- though not for reasons he'd like. It all started when…
Jeb's Dismissal Of Black Lives Matter Causes Trouble
Jeb Bush yesterday dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement with a big eye roll, saying, "It's a slogan." Watch the video…
Another Day, More Trouble For Scott Walker's WEDC — Seriously, Enough Already.
Another day means more controversy for Scott Walker's sinking-ship money pit Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC). And that's not an…
WATCH: Bush: Black Lives Matter "Is A Slogan"
Jeb Bush dismissed the Black Lives Matter movement just now in New Hampshire. He calls it "a slogan" and says,…
EMP Weapons Are The Least Of RoJo's Problems: Regrets And Photoshop
Ron Johnson and friends just got caught -- twice. They can't photoshop their way out of this one. RoJo started…
Jeb Takes His Lobbying Talents (And Ties) To Mt. Washington, N.H.
Former registered lobbyist Jeb Bush, with his campaign fueled by lobbyist dollars, today continues his farce of taking on "Mount Washington"…
WATCH: Jeb's Backwards Ideas For 21st Century Workers
These days, Jeb Bush's been talking a whole lot about "disruption" and shaking things up. Well, his avant-garde vision for today's workers…
WATCH: Jeb Bush's Idea Of The 21st Century
Jeb Bush stepped in it again. After telling American workers they need to "work longer hours," he just told a…