Ex-Lobbyist Jeb Bush Still Committed To Lobbying Industry
Jeb Bush's relationship with the lobbying industry isn't just a fling -- it's a serious commitment that dates back to…
Jeb Bush Doubles Down On Hypocritical Swift Boat Support
Jeb Bush just doubled down on his criticism of John Kerry's war record from 2004. When asked today about his…
Ayotte Allies Want To Take Jobs From New Hampshire
Kelly Ayotte's record on outsourcing is shameless. While she was supposed to be representing the people of New Hampshire in the…
Criminal Scrutiny Surrounding Loans By Scott Walker's WEDC
Controversy continues today for Scott Walker's shady, tax payer-supported jobs program, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), with news of criminal…
New Research Shows Anti-Choice Group's Extremist Ties and Potentially Illegal Activity
In light of today's newly-released video from the extremist Center for Medical Progress attacking Planned Parenthood, here's what new research…
Are We There Yet? Kasich Rounds Out Bloated GOP Field
With John Kasich's entry into the GOP nominating contest, we may finally have the over-sized field set. Kasich joins the swarm of…
You Know Nothing, Scott Walker.
Things That Scott Walker Doesn’t Know If Being Gay Is A Choice Scott Walker Said He Did Not Know If Being Gay Was A Choice. According to CNN, “In…
Walker's WEDC Woes Just Won't Go Away
Scott Walker's taxpayer backed slush-fund -- WEDC -- had a board meeting today. As you may have predicted, it raised…
What The Donald Made You Miss In Ames
The headlines out of this weekend's Family Leadership Summit in Ames were dominated by Donald Trump's tranformation into an insult…
Awful Scott Walker Awfully Extreme On Women's Health
In his latest unabashed testament to his far-right extremism, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker today signed into law a bill that would…