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Posts by AB

News Monday, Jul 13 2015

Bridge Brief — Week Of July 13th, 2015

Coming off a weekend maneuvering even further to the right by signing a "controversial" state budget in Wisconsin, craven career politician Scott Walker…

News Friday, Jul 10 2015

How Do You Spell Hypocrite? J-E-B-!

It's safe to assume Bush would fire someone responsible for a data breach since he's called for President Obama to…

News Friday, Jul 10 2015

Extreme and Ineffective: Scott Walker Jumps In

MEMO TO: Interested Parties FROM: Jessica Mackler RE: Extreme and Ineffective: Scott Walker Jumps In DATE: July 10th, 2015 Darling of the…

News Greg Abbott Kelly Ayotte Wednesday, Jul 8 2015

Pro-Ayotte Super PAC Leader Texas Two-Stepping In The Granite State

Kelly Ayotte is already running scared, calling on big money allies to put up hundreds of thousands of dollars for…

Wednesday, Jul 8 2015

Chamber Drops Cash For Pro-Outsourcing Sens. Portman And Toomey

Chamber Drops Cash For Pro-Outsourcing Sens. Portman And Toomey Washington, D.C. -- We know why the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is…

News Wednesday, Jul 8 2015

NPR On Bush's 36% Tax Rate: "That's not close to true."

Unsurprisingly, NPR is out today with more evidence that Jeb Bush isn't telling the whole story on his tax rates.…

News Tuesday, Jul 7 2015

Say What? After Calling Social Security A Pyramid Scheme, Mealy Mouthed Heck Has No Answer

Congressman Joe Heck's Senate campaign got off to a rough start with Jon Ralston last night when he put on…

News Tuesday, Jul 7 2015

Marco Rubio would make students pay more for college

Marco Rubio took the bold step of offering a plan that even he acknowledges might make some people pay more for their…

News Tuesday, Jul 7 2015

Ouch! Marco 'I Don't Know' Rubio Struggles Hard on FOX News

The coverage Marco Rubio was envisioning today probably didn't include a word salad non-answer about Donald Trump's outrageous comments on…

News Tuesday, Jul 7 2015

Trump/King 2016

  Reading a transcript of Donald Trump's announcement speech or listening to him double-down on his immigration positions, you would…

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