Can’t make this up, Jeb Bush money edition
SHOT: “‘I don't think you need to spend $1 billion to be elected president of the United States in 2016,’ Bush…
ICYMI: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Scott Walker, prosecutors trade pointed swipes on John Doe
Over the weekend, Scott Walker joined the 2016 GOP field in their pilgrimage to Iowa, but leaving his home state didn't help him escape the John Doe investigation into his 2011 campaign. In a radio interview, Walker took issue with the controversy. Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm was quick to hit back at the governor's reprehensible comments:
In a separate statement, Schmitz said he was surprised Walker would "speak publicly about specific issues which are now before the Wisconsin Supreme Court for a decision." "His description of the investigation as a 'political witch hunt' is offensive when he knows that the investigation was authorized by a bipartisan group of judges and is directed by a Republican special prosecutor appointed at the request of a bipartisan group of district attorneys," Schmitz's statement said.
GOP Candidates in Iowa Triple Down on RFRA, Opposing Gay Marriage
A reminder to the WHCA hangover crowd: while DC was partying, GOP presidential candidates were on the stump in Waukee, Iowa for the five hour Iowa Faith & Freedom summit, putting all their chips in on opposing gay marriage and supporting discriminatory Indiana-style RFRA laws. Here are some highlights:
Marco Rubio
Marriage is between one man and one woman, and children are better off with heterosexual parents:
McCrory Hit By Boomerang, Broken Promises
North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory's disastrous record is catching up with the governor as an NCGOP attack boomerangs and voters are reminded of his broken campaign promises.
From Raleigh News & Observer cartoonist Dwayne Powell:WaPo: Scott Waffler's "stances on immigration issues have moved back and forth"
Walker's stances on immigration issues have moved back and forth in recent weeks -- moves labeled a subtle evolution by his supporters and flip-flopping by detractors. The shifts underscore how the Wisconsin governor is still solidifying his views on national policy issues, while also trying to please a wide range of Republicans who often don't agree on issues such as immigration. Two years ago, Walker said that it "makes sense" to grant citizenship to some of the millions of undocumented workers already in the country. By earlier this year, his position had changed, with Walker saying in March: "I don't believe in amnesty" for those in the country illegally.Washington Post: What does Scott Walker believe on immigration?
Talk about a bad press day…
Here's hoping at least some of that high-dollar Miami hotel bill Jeb's running up this weekend while his opponents are in Iowa is set aside for an open bar for the communications staff -- they must need a drink after reading this morning's clips. Washington Post: "Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush supports President Obama’s trade deal, praises his management of the National Security Agency and agrees that Congress should have moved faster to hold a vote on new attorney general Loretta Lynch. And that’s all since last week." Republican insiders speaking to Politico: "'[Common Core] is the number-one issue Bush faces in Iowa with caucusgoers,' ...'Right now, it’s a big issue among suburban GOP women...which is a demographic that is central to him winning New Hampshire.'”
Despite what Walker's saying now, he's on record supporting cuts to Social Security
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is reporting that Scott Walker refuses to discuss Social Security because he hasn't decided to run for president (nice one, Gov). Even if Walker refuses to tell people how he would cut benefits, he's on record supporting serious cuts to the program. As far back as 2000, he supported then-Texas Gov. George W. Bush's plan to partially privatize Social Security. One has to believe that the Kochs took Walker's stance on cutting Social Security into account when they declared him one of the five contenders in their invisible primary.
Will Governor McCrory Break His Promise…Again?
Governor Pat McCrory has a big decision to make: Will he betray North Carolina women once again?
In his 2012 gubernatorial campaign, McCrory unequivocally promised that he wouldn't sign new restrictions on a woman's right to choose. But in 2013 he broke that promise, signing dangerous restrictions on women's health choices into law.
He's now faced with that dilemma again; North Carolina state House lawmakers just voted to extend the waiting period for an abortion in North Carolina from 24 to 72 hours, moving North Carolina one step closer to becoming just the fourth state with that law.
So the question is, who shows up to work -- the Pat McCrory that promised his constituents no further restrictions on choice, or the one that caved to the legislature and and ruined his credibility?
Caution: Attempting to Follow Rubio on Immigration May Result in Vertigo
Marco Rubio's run for president should come with a warning label: Caution: Attempting to Follow Marco Rubio's Twists and Turns on Immigration May Result in Vertigo. According to BuzzFeed, in an article headlined "Marco Rubio Rakes In Donor Money By Touting Immigration Record — Behind Closed Doors": "...the candidate’s aggressive advocacy for the Senate’s 2013 immigration bill has proved to be a substantial draw within the GOP money crowd — and his campaign has shown little hesitation about cashing in. Even as Rubio labors to publicly distance himself from the legislation so loathed by conservative primary voters, he and his aides have privately highlighted this line in his resume when soliciting support from the deep-pocketed donors in the party’s more moderate business wing." Rubio is literally saying different things to different audiences to curry favor and cash with diametrically opposed wings of his party. There's no doubt, he has to do it politically. But his litany of zig-zags are patently shady and shows how untrustworthy he is.
It's not just Christie: GOP Field Would Gut Social Security
Republican strategists are up in arms, criticizing New Jersey Governor Chris Christie for highlighting one of the largest single vulnerabilities…