New Video — David Perdue: Proud Of Outsourcing
Pro-tip: If you're running for the United States Senate, and it comes to light that you have personally admitted that you've spent most of your career shipping American jobs overseas, you should at least pretend to feel bad about it. David Perdue apparently didn't get that memo.
Memo: Speaker Tillis Calls In Extreme Right Wing Cavalry To Save Floundering Campaign
Memo: Speaker Tillis Calls In Extreme Right Wing Cavalry To Save Floundering Campaign To: Interested Parties From: Gwen Rocco, Communications Director, American Bridge Date: Tuesday, October 7, 2014 Thom Tillis, North Carolina's Republican Senate candidate, House Speaker, and notorious holder of anti-woman views, is calling in the cavalry to save his floundering candidacy in the final weeks before the election he's about to lose. His latest backer? A shady front group for the extreme right wing Susan B. Anthony List, which despite its name has little to do with championing the rights of women and everything to do with ending women’s access to health care services. Much like...Speaker Tillis! SBA List officially endorsed Tillis back in June, highlighting how he "led the charge" (their words) to curtail women's access to health care in North Carolina. What could they have been talking about? Well, take your pick: Tillis tried to cut off all state and federal funding for Planned Parenthood; Tillis believes states should have the right to ban birth control; Tillis said private companies should not have to cover contraceptives; Tillis supports that birth control-banning Republican favorite - personhood. The list goes on and on, but it makes complete sense when you recall that SBA List once hired a lobbyist to try to defund Planned Parenthood. Why hire a lobbyist when you can elect Speaker Tillis to do your dirty work for you?
NEW VIDEO — Yet Another Scandal For Rick Scott
From using on-duty officers as campaign props to the DEO scandal that improperly inflicted economic hardship on 19,000 Floridians, from the All Aboard Florida fiasco to his disgusting attack ad that falsely claimed Charlie Crist swindled a man out of all his money, it's almost impossible to keep track of all Rick Scott's controversies. What's worse, Scott consistently refuses to take accountability for his mistakes. Well the newest in his long line of scandals revolves around the alleged cover-up of suspicious inmate deaths at Florida prisons. According to the Miami Herald, a "letter addressed to 'Gov. Scott' and stamped as received by the governor’s chief inspector general on Oct. 25, 2012, included strikingly accurate details about the gruesome deaths of" two Florida inmates.
Education Bullies Chris Christie And Doug Ducey Hit The Trail Together
Doug Ducey needs some support from his friends in his hotly contested Arizona gubernatorial race. So today Ducey is bringing in Chris Christie, a man who would certainly rather enjoy the sunny skies of Scottsville than address the fiscal fiasco he's built in New Jersey. Well Chris Christie and Doug Ducey have a good deal in common. Christie has presided over an impressive eight credit downgrades in New Jersey, while Doug Ducey's Cold Stone had one of the highest franchise default rates of any company in the country. Both support massive tax cuts for the wealthy, shifting the burden toward the middle class. But the biggest and most damning similarity between Ducey and Christie is their shared insistence on slashing education funding. Christie has cut $1 billion from education in New Jersey, and Arizona can expect much the same if Ducey gets his way. Ducey opposed a court order requiring Arizona to increase education funding. He promises huge tax cuts that would predominately help the richest Arizonans, but claims he will somehow implement them without touching the education budget -- a plan that's been written off as unrealistic. And that's just the tip of the ice cream cone.
Tom Corbett Continues Attacks On Transparency
It recently came to light that Pennsylvania's wildly unpopular Governor, Tom Corbett, has gone to remarkable lengths in order to…
Dishonesty Personified: Bruce Rauner's New Minimum Wage Lie
Bruce Rauner is out with a new ad that makes a laughable claim. The ad, "Screwed Up," claims that Rauner's…
Ain't No Party Like A Shutdown Party: Your 2014 GOP
A year ago today was a dark day for Washington. Like, literally dark -- the Republican Party turned off the lights to the federal government, holding the economy hostage to try to score political points. It didn't work. In fact, all the government shutdown did was suck $24 billion out of the US economy, while leaving the Republican Party deeply damaged. It's easy to associate the shutdown with the likes of Ted Cruz, the man who drives the GOP strategy. But it's not just Ted Cruz who supported the shutdown. It's nearly every Republican Senate candidate in key races and a slew of 2016 frontrunners. Their support manifested itself in different ways. Cory Gardner voted for the shutdown, risked default by voting against raising the debt ceiling, voted to prolong the shutdown, and then hobnobbed with Karl Rove and his big-money donor friends while America paid the price for his actions.
The Ongoing Reinvention Of Rand Paul: Lying About Birth Control
Rand Paul's ultra-right wing bona fides cannot be questioned when it comes to women's health. After all, Rand Paul introduced the Senate personhood bill that could ban common forms of birth control. He's even bragged about his crusade to restrict women's health options, including his support for a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade. Clearly this was all a point of pride for Senator Paul. But in case you haven't heard, now he wants to be president. And it turns out that denying women access to birth control isn't particularly popular. So just like he's done on Israel, and on ISIS, and on civil rights, and so on and so on, he's doing what he does best: simply lying to voters. Paul was asked today in South Carolina about his position on the morning-after pill, and he affirmed his support for it. Which is all good and well, except that he brags about introducing personhood legislation that could make it illegal. He's consistently been one of the most extreme politicians in Washington when it comes to women's issues. Just check out this video that he recently scrubbed from his YouTube account. Now Rand Paul thinks he can lie his way to the middle and twist himself into a candidate with broad appeal. It seems every week, you wake up and Rand Paul is selling a new version of Rand Paul. There's only one problem: people are watching.
Americans For Prosperity’s Troubling Record On Voting Rights And Voter Registration
2014: Americans for Prosperity Mailed Incorrect Information to North Carolina Voters
Americans for Prosperity Mailed Incorrect Voter Registration Information to Hundreds of Voters In North Carolina. According to The News & Observer: “Hundreds of North Carolinians – and one cat – have received incorrect voter registration information, according to the N.C. State Board of Elections. The information – an “official application form” – was sent by Americans for Prosperity, a national conservative group with a state chapter based in Raleigh.” [News & Observer, 9/25/14] AFP Under Investigation By North Carolina State Board Of Elections For Inaccurate Mailers. According to MSNBC, “A Koch brothers group is being investigated for sending mailers with incorrect information about how to register to vote to hundreds of North Carolina voters—and one cat. Joshua Lawson, a spokesman for the state board of elections, said his office opened the probe Monday after receiving a formal sworn complaint from the state Democratic Party about the mailers, which were sent recently by American for Prosperity (AFP). Lawson said state law requires the board to open an investigation if it receives a sworn complaint.” [, 9/29/14] This Is Not AFP’s First Time Sending Out Inaccurate Voting Information. According to MSNBC, “AFP has said the mailers were an honest mistake, not an effort to mislead voters. But this isn’t the first time that the group, which came to prominence as part of the tea party movement, has sent out inaccurate voting information. And it’s also been involved in organized efforts to make voting harder.” [, 9/29/14]Ben Carson’s Greatest Hits
Carson: “Obamacare Is Really I Think The Worst Thing That Has Happened In This Nation Since Slavery. And It Is In A Way, It Is Slavery In A Way, Because It Is Making All Of Us Subservient To The Government.” According to the Washington Post, “Dr. Ben Carson, a rising star in conservative circles, on Friday compared President Obama’s health-care law to slavery. ‘You know Obamacare is really I think the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery,’ Carson, who is African American, said Friday in remarks at the Values Voter Summit in Washington. ‘And it is in a way, it is slavery in a way, because it is making all of us subservient to the government, and it was never about health care. It was about control.’” [Washington Post, 10/11/13]
- Carson Said Obama Was “The Worst Thing Since Slavery,” Including Jim Crow. According to Biz Pac Review, “‘I realize how horrible it was … I didn’t say this is ‘as bad’ as slavery, I said this is the worst thing since slavery.’ ‘Which includes Jim Crow,’ Martin interrupted. ‘Yes, absolutely,’ Carson answered. ‘This nation was founded on the principle that it would be a new type of nation, that was for, of, and by the people.’” [Biz Pac Review, 10/21/13]