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Posts by AB

Monday, Jul 7 2014

Chris Christie Suddenly Silent

Chris Christie is hardly known as the quiet type, his loudmouth persona is well documented. Yet all that has gone…

Tuesday, Jul 1 2014

Supremely Inconsistent

Chris Christie fashions himself a bold leader, but when it comes to politically difficult issues, he's hardly a profile in…

Thursday, Jun 26 2014

Please Rick Scott, Tell Us More About "Transparency" (VIDEO)

Rick Scott's hypocrisy gets more comical by the day. Yesterday, he released a new ad targeting Charlie Crist's wife, calling on her to release her taxes because he, quote, "believes transparency matters." In fact, transparency matters so much to Rick Scott that when a whistleblower, who had worked at the Department of Economic Opportunity for 30 years, tried to expose systemic fraud that improperly inflicted economic hardship on 19,000 Floridians, this is how Scott's administration responded: They fired her. She filed a lawsuit and won her case as the jury ruled that the Governor's administration had fired her in retaliation for trying to uncover the DEO's wrongdoing.

Wednesday, Jun 25 2014

Rubio to Speechify About His Non-Existent Support for Working Families

This afternoon, Senator Rubio is scheduled to give a speech in D.C. designed to burnish his middle class credentials: "Finding…

Tuesday, Jun 24 2014

Bridgegate Part 2: My Way On The Skyway

Bridgegate one has been a box office success thanks to a thrilling plot that has included lawsuits, lies, and retribution.…

Tuesday, Jun 24 2014

What Does Rick Scott Have To Hide?

This week, PolitiFact confirmed that when deposed in lawsuits involving his company in 2000, Rick Scott invoked the Fifth Amendment 75 times. That’s the one that protects you against self-incrimination. Scott was deposed in a civil case against his former company, Columbia/HCA, who later plead guilty to at least 14 corporate felonies including Medicare and Medicaid fraud, and paid a whopping $1.7 billion in criminal fines. Scott was under advisement from his attorney to invoke the Fifth Amendment in his deposition due to those ongoing criminal investigations. Whether Rick Scott is under oath or he’s on the campaign trail, he just won’t answer questions. When it comes to tackling problems, the voters of Florida don’t need a Governor who pleads the Fifth. They need real answers.

Monday, Jun 23 2014

Cory Gardner "Discovers" Women's Rights

Last week, Cory Gardner penned an op-ed in support of over-the-counter birth control. What he didn't mention in the op-ed…

News Friday, Jun 20 2014

Wisconsin headlines from Scott Walker's no good, very bad Thursday

Yesterday, documents released from an ongoing John Doe investigation into illegal campaign activities by Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and his allies implicated the Governor himself as being central to a "criminal scheme." While Gov. Walker insists that "this is a case that’s been resolved," the front pages of Wisconsin's newspapers this morning tell a different story.

Friday, Jun 20 2014

Scott Walker: Just Ask My Koch-Crony Judge, I'm Innocent!

Scandal-tainted Scott Walker’s fortunes grew even dimmer yesterday when newly released documents showed that prosecutors have alleged he was at the center of a criminal scheme to evade Wisconsin election laws. Now, Walker is coming out firing, claiming that the accusations are nothing more than unfounded partisan attacks, and pointing to a ruling from a state judge and a ruling from a federal judge that’s under appeal Only there’s one catch. The federal judge who halted the original campaign finance probe against Walker, Rudolph Randa, has attended multiple expense-paid judicial summits funded by Koch brothers’ groups who explicitly fight against campaign finance laws. Those would be the same Koch brothers who poured money into the very Pro-Walker outside groups that lie at the heart of this investigation. And Judge Randa didn’t just halt the probe. He originally ordered prosecutors to destroy the evidence they had obtained. But according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, “the appeals court found he couldn’t issue such an irreversible order in the early stages of the case.” What’s more, Randa’s assistant is married to a Walker campaign attorney. Yes, Scott Walker has been temporarily cleared of wrongdoing by a federal judge. A federal judge who is part of the same shadowy conservative network as Walker, the Koch brothers, and the outside groups that helped flood the Wisconsin recall elections with dark money; and a federal judge who seems extremely eager to make this case go away. Background after the jump.

Thursday, Jun 19 2014

The Grand Old Tea Party Has A New Majority Leader

Kevin McCarthy is your new majority leader, a victory for the Republican establishment in the ongoing battle with its identical twin, the Tea Party. Then again, who can tell who's who? Take a quick look at McCarthy's record on women. He's repeatedly voted against legislation to help women fight back against pay discrimination. He's voted to defund Planned Parenthood and control women's access to reproductive health care services. And oh, last but not least, he co-sponsored extreme, anti-woman legislation to redefine rape as "forcible rape." Sound familiar? It's tragic, really, watching the Tea Party and the Republican establishment continue to fight like this, and over what? We'd tell them to put their differences aside, but there are no differences. Even Speaker Boehner says so. Now that they have a new majority leader, can't everyone just get along in the Grand Old Tea Party?

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